I took along break from posting. I'm not really sure why. I not really sure if I'm that interesting. I love reading every ones blogs and getting a lot of inspiration for everyone. I think I'm going to continue with it and maybe the more post I make the better at writing I will get.
I have done quite a few projects since my last post. I made my Grandmother a hand print quilt for Christmas 
It has her hand print in the middle and and then on either side of her is her daughter( my Aunt) and her son(my dad) The rest are her Grandchildren and her Great Grandchildren.
I also made a quilt for a special friend of my other grandmother who loves in Columbia. Her daughter and grandchildren live here in the US so she does not to get to see them often. I had the boys and their mother trace their hand prints and write what they wanted to and used photo transfer paper to transfer them to the quilt. My Grandmother asked me to include a picture of Jesus somewhere on the quilt because she is very religious. This is what I came up...
That is my Grandmother in the picture and of course me. We took this picture when I gave it to her. She took it from there and delivered it to her friend who was in the States visiting.
That is my Grandmother in the picture and of course me. We took this picture when I gave it to her. She took it from there and delivered it to her friend who was in the States visiting.
At the same time i was working on the quilt above i was working on a I Spy Quilt for my 5 year old son. I saw it in a magazine and had to do it. it was my first time working from instructions. All my other quilts were just put together as i went. i would say this was really time consuming. I still need to make one for my daughter. This I spy quilt required a lot of cutting
Now, On the present. I joined my first Quilt-a-long over at crazy mom quilts. I'm really excited about it. I really need a big project like this to use up my scraps. Here are my first week of 9 patches